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Release Date: October 6, 2020

BEDFORD HILLS, NY—Westchester Land Trust (WLT), a regional land conservation organization with headquarters in Bedford Hills, NY, announced three new appointments to its Board of Directors. The new members, Christopher Boege of Bedford, Dina Dublon of Bedford Hills, and Janelle Robbins of Somers, bring a tremendous level of talent and diverse professional experience to the nationally accredited organization. The additions to WLT’s leadership team will ensure continued progress and growth for the organization, which has used the challenges of 2020 to transform its work to reach a wider audience and increase its impact in the local community.

“Combined, Chris, Dina, and Janelle bring world-class conservation, management, and finance experience to Westchester Land Trust,” said Bruce Churchill, Chairman of the organization. “It is a testament to the relevance of our mission, and our effectiveness on the ground, that we have been able to attract such talent to our Board.”

Christopher Boege is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys exploring local trails and preserves. He and his wife Samantha are 21-year Bedford residents and have three daughters. Mr. Boege recently left JPMorgan to pursue opportunities outside of finance. For most of his career, Mr. Boege was a salesperson focused on distressed and high yield debt. Prior to that, he was in the Investment Banking division of JPMorgan. Mr. Boege holds a Bachelor’s degree from Colgate University and a Master’s degree from New York University. “I believe that protecting open spaces and providing access to nature is a responsibility we all have,” said Mr. Boege. “I am excited about the opportunity to join the WLT board and work to preserve more land for generations to come.”

Dina Dublon was, until the end of 2004, EVP and CFO of JPMorgan Chase. Prior to joining the bank, Ms. Dublon worked at the Harvard Business School and at Bank Hapoalim in Israel. She was on the Fortune list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business for several years and has been honored as a “Woman Who Makes a Difference” by many organizations. Dina is a board member of PepsiCo and T Rowe Price Group, and serves on the Independent Audit Quality Committee of Ernst & Young. Ms. Dublon holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics and mathematics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and a Master’s degree from the Business School at Carnegie Mellon University. She is married and has two adult children. “Westchester Land Trust is an exciting organization to me because of its immediate, local impact, together with the important role it plays in open space protection in New York State.” said Dina Dublon. “People in our community need local food, access to the healthful benefits of nature, and clean water to drink. Responding to these needs is what WLT is doing today and has done for more than 30 years.  I’m looking forward to working with its dedicated Board and staff to expand its regional impact even more.”

Janelle Robbins, LEED AP, has 17 years of engineering and science experience working with environmental and conservation nonprofits and consulting. Her technical areas of expertise include land and water conservation and environmental site design. She previously served as the Executive Director of Bedford Audubon based in Katonah, NY and was responsible for overseeing avian research programs, land stewardship, and community engagement. Ms. Robbins currently is a consultant working with environmental engineering and small business marketing firms. Ms. Robbins lives in Somers with her husband and young son. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural & Biological Engineering from Cornell University and a Master’s degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. “I’m honored to serve on WLT’s Board. Their commitment to conserving our community’s natural resources and enhancing our region’s climate resiliency is unparalleled, and more important now than ever.”

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About Westchester Land Trust

Westchester Land Trust works with public and private partners to preserve land in perpetuity and to enhance the natural resources in Westchester and eastern Putnam counties—a densely populated region under persistent threat from the pressures of development. Founded in 1988, WLT has preserved 9,278 acres of open space. More than 1,148 acres of land are owned by the organization which are free and open to the public year-round. WLT was one of the first land trusts in the nation to receive accreditation through the Land Trust Accreditation Commission.