Release Date: January 7, 2021
Bedford Hills, NY—Two parcels of land on Gloucester Place in New Rochelle, NY have been acquired by Westchester Land Trust (WLT) and will be permanently protected as a public nature preserve thanks to a partnership between WLT, Friends of Glenwood Lake Park (FGLP), and the City of New Rochelle. The properties are the last remaining undeveloped parcels around the lake and were a top preservation priority for all three partners. A funding consortium consisting of WLT, FGLP and many private donors made the acquisition possible. Ultimately, WLT’s goal is to transfer the property to the City, who will add it to the City-owned Glenwood Lake Park assemblage.
“Glenwood Lake Park is an inspiring example of preserving wildness in an urban setting,” said WLT President Lori Ensinger. “The conservation of these last two parcels underscores the importance of people, community, and nature coming together to support and benefit each other.”
Glenwood Lake is the only lake in the southern part of New Rochelle, and the 13-acre park is a natural area boasting a wide diversity of wildlife. The protection of the water quality of the 4-acre kettle lake further safeguards that of the Hutchinson River, and the Long Island Sound into which it flows. The preserve also provides an important stopover for birds migrating along the Atlantic Flyway. Osprey, egrets, and herons are among the coastal bird species frequently spotted using the park, in addition to many varieties of ducks and woodland-dependent songbirds.
WLT, FGLP, New Rochelle, and New York State have worked in partnership for nearly two decades to steward the park, and to preserve additional properties around the lake to add to the park assemblage, the most recent being the 2006 purchase of the Bonner property, which was acquired with State, City, and private funding. Each year, hundreds of visitors from the neighboring community and elsewhere in southern Westchester are attracted to the park for its peaceful, bucolic setting. Visitation has skyrocketed during the COVID pandemic.
“This latest acquisition was 20 years in the making. Generations yet unborn will benefit from the expansion, preservation and restoration of Glenwood Lake Park,” said Michael Yellin, past President of the Glenwood Lake Association, and WLT Advisory Board member. “This was a complex project, and a tangible example of how multiple partners can come together to accomplish great things for the community.”
WLT and FGLP worked with the landowner to purchase the property for conservation purposes. WLT will own the land, with the goal of ultimately transferring it to City ownership. In return, WLT will hold a conservation easement on the property, which will ensure that the land remains a public nature preserve in perpetuity. The newly acquired property will be named for the Prioleau family, who were the prior landowners and longtime New Rochelleans, residing until recently at the property next door.
District Councilman Ivar Hyden said on behalf of the City, “I am delighted that more undeveloped open space will be added to the Glenwood Lake area. Thanks to our residents, the Westchester Land Trust, our public officials, and the City’s Department of Parks and Recreation for this successful outcome.”
Project partners are currently seeking grant funds to enable the next phase of the project, which will be the cleanup of the property, removal of invasive plants, planting of native trees, and the creation of a trail linkage to the rest of Glenwood Lake Park. Interested community members can reach out to Westchester Land Trust or Friends of Glenwood Lake Park for more information on how to get involved.
About Westchester Land Trust
Westchester Land Trust, a 501c3 founded in 1988, works with public and private partners to preserve land in perpetuity, and to enhance the natural resources in Westchester and eastern Putnam counties. WLT’s conservation efforts impact the long-term health of these communities through the protection of watershed areas, air quality, and food supply. In total, WLT has preserved nearly 9,000 acres of open space including 920 acres of preserves owned and managed by the organization. For more information visit www.westchesterlandtrust.org or contact Kara H. Whelan, Vice President, at 914.234.6992 ext 12, Kara@westchesterlandtrust.org.
About Friends of Glenwood Lake
The Friends of Glenwood Lake Park, Inc. (FGLP) is a 501c3, formed in 2006 for the purpose of preserving, improving and maintaining the Park. The FGLP’s priorities are to: 1) develop a land use analysis and master plan for the maintenance of the Park; 2) implement strategies to actively restore, maintain and improve the Lake’s natural beauty and aquatic health; 3) develop environmental education programs and opportunities for neighbors, local students, and others to use the Park as a learning laboratory to study its woodland and wetland ecosystems; and 4) support public access for passive recreational opportunities such as walking, fishing, and bird-watching. For more information, contact FGLP at: FriendsofGlenwoodLakePark@gmail.com.