Attention, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all nature enthusiasts! We need you to roll up your sleeves and drop an elbow from the top ring on invasive vines choking some of our favorite trees. Unleash your inner wrestling superstar and join preserve manager Ben Kleist in the ring of environmental stewardship to battle the forces threatening this beloved preserve. In all seriousness, vine cutting is one of our most popular stewardship volunteer activities because it is so gratifying to free trees from their stranglehold.


  • Day + Time: Saturday, October 26, 10am-12pm
  • Getting there and parking: Park along Beekman Court or in the small parking area at (41.269833, -73.842580). Carpooling is always an excellent idea.
  • Please wear: Long pants, close-toed shoes, and long sleeves are encouraged. Please bring a water bottle. Light snacks, work gloves, and tools will be provided.
  • Registration required: Email to register.


This event is part of our ongoing forest health initiative, which was launched to help ensure the forests you love are here for generations to come. Read the press release announcing this effort here. You can save our forests—donate here to support this work.