2021 Donors

Ed Abrevaya
John and Carley Adamsky
Ellen Adrian
Noah and Casey Agron
Colin and Julie Aitchison
Niv Alexander
Helen Rubel and Neal Allen
Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Co.
Mimi and Barry Alperin
Carol and Alan Alterman
Tunc Altinbas
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The American Farmland Trust
Janet Andersen
Robyn Anderson
David Ansel and Allison Levy Ansel
Janet and Robert Antonucci
Judith and Alan Appelbaum
John M. Armstrong
Elyse Arnow Brill and Joshua Arnow
John and Mary Arons
Amy and Clifford Aronson
Virginia Attias
Leslie Williams and James Attwood
Bank of America
Steven and Carolyn Barg
Elizabeth Breslin and Michael Barnhart
Torrey and Neil Baron
Mara and Danny Baror
Elliot and Pam Barsh
Laurie and Frederick Bartels
Linda Grossman and Richard Bass
Nancy and Jon Bauer
Ira Grandberg and Barbara Bauer
Janet and Stephen Bear
Lyn and Peter Beardsley
Marilyn Beck
Barbara and Jeffrey Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Beckwith
Bedford Garden Club
Bedford Gravel and Landscape Supply
Rhona Beechinor-Collins
Deborah Behler
Benchmark Title Agency, LLC
Edward H. Benenson Foundation
Judith Silberstein and Warren Benton
Ann Berdy
Susan Berenzweig
Cynthia Jerome and Eric Bergman
Robert Beringer
Sheryl and Steven Bernhard
Jane and Jonathan Bernz
Ellen and James Best
George Bianco
Janice and Robert Billingsley
Amy Parsons and Paul Bird
Jan and Marty Blaire
Amy Blumenfeld
Phyllis and Aaron Bock
Samantha and Chris Boege
Rose Bonanno
Diana and Peter Boodell
Meme Hanley Borin
Box of Rain Foundation
Susan and Edward W. Brancati
Elisa Bremner
Nancy and Stephen Brenner
Teed Welch and Susan Brenner
Charles Brown
Robert Brown
Val and Jay Brown
Cynthia and Richard Brownell
Kathy and Dave Browning
Marcia and Paul Buckhout
Joan Budd
Teresa Bueti
Illyria and Christopher Burdick
DeDe and Jack Burke
John Peterson and Pamela Burkley
Gianna Caiola
Michele and Benny Caiola
Ellen Calves
Helena and Dominick Camilleri
Anne Putnam and Peter Canby
Stephen Carlsen
Gary and Bonnie Carney
Douglas Carr
Veronica and Donato Caruso
Catherine Castaldo
Anne and Gus Caywood
Leslie Cecil and Creighton Michael
Cerity Partners
Chapman Family Foundation
Anuradha Chimata
Allie and Brian Choi
Juan Chung Chen and Nancy Chung
Sharon Churcher and Michael Taylor
Christine and Bruce Churchill
Anthony and Brenda Cioppa
Bob Ciri
Sheri Baron and Larence Clark
Emma Clark
The Clymer Family
David and Carol Cohen
Bobbie and Richard Cohlan
Lisa and Thomas Cohn
Cheryl and John Colangelo
Leda Blumberg and Steve Cole
Sarah Fashena and Thomas Coleman
Consolidated Edison
Camille Connolly
Peter Connolly
Ellen and Winthrop Conrad
Jenny and John Convery
Stephani Cook
Kent and Tara Corbell
Sandra and William Cordiano
Linda and Cliff Corso
Janie Coulter
Fred and Tina Cowles
J. Jeffers and Mary Cox
Kim Craig
Lena and Jeffrey Crandall
Michelle and David Culbert
Joseph and Susanne Cusato
Patrick Daigle
Eric and Christine Dammann
JoAnn Langham and Harvey Dann
Mary and Ted Dardani
Susan Darley
Raphael D’Ascoli
Nanette Bourne and John Delfs
Gracemarie Dell Angelo
Leah and Jonathan DeSantis
Laura Desmarais
Caroline Devito-Martino
Rodrick Dial
Robert and Janice Diamond
The DiCorpo Family
Virginia and Michael DiGugliemo
Doris Dingott
Thomas Dixon Jr.
William Doermer
Arlene and Avrom Doft
Jane and Bill Donaldson
The Harry Donenfeld Foundation
Lisa Bogdan and David Douglas
L.F. Boker and Susanna Doyle
Thatcher Drew
Dina and Giora Dublon
Ray Duffy
Monique Regard and Rick Duffy
Ticia Ulaneck and Chris Dunn
Pierre and Jean Averill-Young DuPont
Michaelene Leslie and Jonathan Durst
Elena and Robin Eagleton
Andrea and Joseph Edgar
George and Mary Ann Eggleston
James Ehrlich
Ken and Karen Eldon
Ginny and Larry Ellis
Hans Elsevier
Dr. Carol Ensinger
Lori Ensinger
Clare O’Connell and David Ensner
Margaret Eyring
Vivian and Peter Falco
Jerry Fall
Linda and Joseph Faltin
Olivia and John Farr
The Farvue Foundation
Tracy and Scott Fauver
Nicky Federici
Vicki and Frederick Feiner
Nancy and Peter Felcher
Stuart and Sue Feld
John Feldtmose
Lisa Feliu
Amy and Keith Ferguson
Andrea and Steve Fernald
Sue and Stephen Fields
Susan and Steven Fier
Mittie and James Figura
Maggie Fiore
Sally and David Firestein
Becki and Ari Fleischer
Gregory and Melissa Fleming
Brendon Desimone and Rich Flood
April Foley
James and Karen Ford
Jonathan and Roni Foster
Wendy and William Foulke
Laura and Christopher Fox
Naomi and Joel Freedman
Ellen and David Freeman
Gary and Carol Freidman
Joan and Tony Freund
Carole Friedler
Joseph Friedman
Wendy A. Stein and Bart Friedman
Friends of the Great Swamp (FrOGS)
Susan Frising
The Fritz Family
Future Value Associates, LTD
Joyce and Paul Gallagher
Joseph Gallo
Lauretta Jones and Donald Gambino
Francine DiBernardo and Michael Gannon
The Garden Club of Yorktown
Annaliese and Bernard Gastrich
Richard Klarberg and Emily Gawthrop
Cora Cahan Gersten
Justin and Danielle Giffuni
Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert Jr.
David and Lucille Gildin Family Foundation
The Deane A. and John D. Gilliam Foundation
Kate and Daniel Ginnel
Richard and Catherine Girgenti
Marilyn and John Gizzi
Deirdre and James Glascott
Virginia Gold
Michael Gold
Justin Pomerenke and Dylann Gold
Carol and Jesse Goldberg
June and Myron Goldfinger
Roy L. Goldman
Deena and Bruce Goldsmith
Susan Goldsmith
The Goldstein Family Foundation
Wendy and Peter Goldstein
Jill Brooke and Gary Goldstein
Maria Sanderleaf and Henry Goldstein
Marc Weisenfreund and Susan Golenbock
Jane Harsha and Cesar Gonzales
Lorna and Edwin Goodman
Edward B. Goodnow
Kenneth and Valerie Gordon
Diane and Thomas Gorey
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gourd
Cecily and Gordon Grand
Susan Feinberg-Greene and Bill Greene
Cassandra and Robert Greene
Linda and Howard Greene
Karen and Grant Gregory
Bill Grey
Ellen and Robert Grimes
Susan and Bill Groner
Nora and Madison Grose
George and Patty Grunebaum
Elizabeth Guardenier
Robin Ashley and Martin Gubernick
June Gumbel
Steve Haab and Beth Howard
Eric Haas
Melinda Papp Durham and Clark Halstead
Susan and Joseph Handelman
Alisa Harrison
Anne Hartigan
Lisa Haunss
Judith Hausman
Carla M. Hawryluk
Ellen and Philip Heidelberger
Diane and Ralph Heiman
Susan Heller
MaryAnn and Hugh van Hendgel
Liza and Richard Henshaw
Susan and Elliott Hershman
Maren Hexter
Hickory and Tweed
Barbara and Paul Hicks
Carol and Frank Hillenbrand
Christopher D. Hillyer
Carol and Herb Hochberg
Hocherman Tortorella & Wekstein LLP
Aurora and Bradford Holley
Marge Hone
Phil Horner
Alan and Patti Howard
David and Sally Howe
Linda and J.P. Howitt
Kelly and Andre Hunter
IBM Corporation
Jane Love and Ed Isler
Dorian Goldman and Marvin Israelow
Amy and Bruce Jackson
Benjamin Jacobson
The Jaffe Family Foundation
Karen and Frank Jahn
Marcy Sandler and Jim Janover
The Jerome Levy Foundation
Detlef Joerss
Carolee and Charles Jones
Gene S. Jones
The Jordan-Gallay Family
Diana Juettner
Olga and Michael Kagan
Frank Kaiman
Tatiana Kaletsch
Jackie and Peter Kamenstein
Brian Kaminer
Jeannine and James Kane
Caroline and Andrew Kaplan
Nancy Karch
Randy Kaufman
Chris Kehoe
Maureen Keller
William and Joan Kellner
Antoinette Kelly
John Kelly
Steve and Janet Kelly
Sue and Edward Kelly

Arleen and David Kemler
Susan and Robert Kempler
Heather Thomas and Charles Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kessel
Shirley Kesselman
Elizabeth and John Kilgallon
Florence and Bob Kirkwood
Wendy Dixon Breitner and Kenneth Kirshenbaum
Eduard and Rayanne Kleiner Foundation
The Knox and Stein Family
Sharon Heller and Ron Knudsen
Walter and Inna Konon
Sharon and Cary A. Koplin
Regine and Richard Koral
Ann and Burton Korelitz
Barbara and Michael Kornfield
Matt Kosloski
Laura Kososki
Tatiana Boutkova and Alexander Kostikov
Alice and Doug Kraus
Lynn and Jules Kroll
Bridget and Elliot Krowe
Grace Kulwin
Patricia and Charles Kupetz
Sarah Kurita
David Kuritzky
David Kvinge
Julie Ross and Mark Ladner
Land Trust Alliance Northeast Program
Faith and Rick Landau
The Landmark Appraisal Group
Heather and Anthony Langham
Dorothy and Cliff Lanier
William Lauder
Nancy Laun
Judith Lavenberg
Charlotte Leibowitz
Susan and Jeffrey Leighton
Judi Butler and David Levi
Jean and Paul Lewis
Kristin and James Liddle
Marsha and Peter Liebowitz
Elizabeth and Lowell Lifschultz
Dr. Angelina Lipman and Mr. Monte Lipman
Lloyd Bedford Cox, Inc.
Long Island Community Foundation
Virginia Louis
Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation / Jen Schwartz / Vicki and Frederick Feiner
Loriann M. and Timothy Low
Kerri Kazak and Andrew Lowe
Carey Lowell
Priscilla and George Luckow
Robert Lussi
Carol and John Lyden
Sandy and Robert Magilen
Vivien G. Malloy
Birdstone Farm
Laura and Alan Mantell
Kathleen and Bryan Marsal
Crozer Martin
Patrice and Robert Martin
Tom Mastrocola
Frederick Mauhs
Maurice Amado Foundation
Kevin Warren and Helen Mayberg, MD
Shelley Mayer
Gerard Mayer
Kathryn Hoenig and Douglass Maynard
Worthington Mayo-Smith+
CDW Corporation
Gayle and Doug Mazlish
Billy McArthur
John and Keelin McCormack
Terrence and Sarah McGarty
Mark Weigel and Dyllan McGee
Cillon and Sonia McKenley
Victoria and Christopher Meier
Faith Ritchie and Richard Menaker
Alan and Janis Menken
Gretchen and Peter Menzies
Rita and Gerald Messuri
Mrs. Michael Metz
David and Ida Michael
Carol and John Mickel
Michelle A. Miller
Sue Ann Minutaglio
Fiona and Chuck Mitchell
Barbara and Richard Moggio
Kathy Lynch-Mohr and Tim Mohr
Yehuda Mor
Mary Morgan
Kimberly and John Morris
Anna and Franco Muggia
Bridget and Tim Murphy
Abby Simpson and Todd Mydland
Sarah Myers
The Nature Conservancy
Melissa and Michael Neborak
Kathy and Benjamin Needell
Leslie and John Needham
Maureen and Michael Negrelli
Bernis and Dick Nelson
David and Erica Neumann
Joan and Michael Neuscheler
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Maryam and Howard Newman
Anne and Tom Niemann
Lawrence Nokes
Carol Numrich
James O’Connell
Susan Oakley
Irene Ochs-Lilien
Tom Creighton and Dennis O’Connor
Patricia O’Donnell
Randi and Doug Olin
Robin Ordan
Wanda Cope Orton
Michael and Kate Paletta
Evelyn Paltrow
Susanne and Richard Pandich
Joe Grunfeld and Gina Paoloni
Stephanie and Hervey Parke
Timi and Peter Parsons
The PCLB Foundation
Julie Bacon and Luther Peacock
The Pearl Family Foundation
David, Faith and Alison Pedowitz
Robert Peeples
Marianne Pei
Marilyn A. Pellini
Mark Pennington
Christina L. Pennoyer
Amiel and Michelle Peretz, The Box of Rain Foundation
Barbara and Louis Perlmutter
Howard and Kathryn Permut
Isobel Perry
Cathy and Gary Perusse
Sondra R. Peterson
Florent Peyre
Marguerite Pitts
Pleasantville Garden Club
Mrs. Ann C. Poll
Catherine Ganley and Offutt Porter
Virginia and Jonathan Powers
Elizabeth and Jean-Pierre Poyet
Helaine and Michael Pruzan
Lisa and Jonathan Pruzan
Teri Ptacek
Cynthia and Justin Puccio
Louisa Purcell
Putnam County Land Trust
Patricia and Erling Pytte
Nina and Matthew Quigley
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Donna Reimer
Teatown Lake Reservation
Ira and Paula Resnick
The Rice Family Foundation
Diana Richter
Janelle and Steve Robbins
Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust
George Roberts
Mary Ann Robinson
Albino and Robin Rocchi
Dee DeStefano Roider
Susan and Andrew Roos
Nina Freedman and Michael Rosenbaum
Douglas Thea and Ruth Ann Rosenberg
Clive and Daphne Rosendorff
Marjorie Rosenfield
Nancy and Paul Ross
Catherine Ludden and Eric Rothenberg
Tom and Therese Rubino
Bob and Shari Ruckh
Nancy Ruffner
Rusticus Garden Club
Karen and Bruce Sabath
Steven Saidenberg
Joel and Carolyn Salon
Arthur and Marjorie Samuels
Wendy and Neil Sandler
Denise and Camillo M. Santomero III
Inger and Roger Savitt
Rob Sawyer
Mary and John Scacchia
Danielle Perillat and Steven Schmitt
Polly and Gordon Schnell
Sheila G. Schraier
Marilyn Schuster
Kathryn Dysart and Jeff Schwartz
Lisa and Mark Schwartz
Marvin and Donna Schwartz
Carolynn R. and Philip C. Sears
Laura and Stuart Seeley
John A. Settembrino
Jill Shapiro
Marilyn Shapiro
Sharrock Family Charitable Trust
Armen Nishanian and Eleanor Sherman
Beverley and Mark Sherrid
Zach Shillingford
Katrina Shindledecker
Aleta Shipley
Julie Pollack and Richard Shulman
Mark Siegel
Richard Siegel
Norma Silva
Karen and Mark Simons
Nancy Simpkins
Gail and Dan Simpson
Dan and Jane Sims
I.A. Sindell
Rachel and Stephan Skinner
Lynne Quittell and Eric Skolnick
Barbara S. Smith
Michelle Smith
Maida Snapper
Diane Sobin
Carol and Lee Sommerfield
Leola Specht
Spiral Giving
Carol Capobianco and Joseph Squillante
Allison Stabile
Estate of Ronald P. Stanton
Dana and Mary Stetson
Debbie Stiles
Susan and Michael Stillman
June and Grant P. Stinchfield
Anita and John Stockbridge
Pamela Stone
Peter Strom
Bob and Betsy Stuart
Laurie and Paul Sturz
Janet Sullivan
Carol Sheridan and Mike Surdej
Julie Kohn and Dan Swift
Flora and Kamran Tabaddor
Sherman Taishoff
David and Allison Tamburelli
Taylor and Aaron Taylor
Aimee Telsey
Joy Batashoff Thaler
Tina and Robert Theurkauf
Mireille Thinat
Susan Thorson
Virginia and Glenn Ticehurst
Elizabeth Martin and Stephen Tilly
Ann Timmons
Patricia Grew and Larry Timpson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tisi
John and Stephanie Tobin
Frances Train
Deb Klugman and Tom Trimble
Amy Cohn and Gordon Tucker
Phyllis and Norman Tunnell
Martin Ungewitter
Jan and Jim Utter
Linda and Vincent Vaccaro
Colleen Valentine
Carol Ann and Jean Paul Valles
Valley Bank
Rosemary Vanwart
Lana Vardanian
Alan Viani
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Vincent
Stacey and Gerard Virga
Natica and Victor Von Althann
Eric Wagner
Judith Wald
Lucy R. Waletzky
Geoffrey Reiss and Anna Walker
Francine and Peter Walker
Wallace Genetic Foundation
Wesley Romansky and Kathryn Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. William Walsh
William and Teresa Waterman
Sarah and Grant Webb
Ellen Weisberg
Carissa and Gregory Weiss
Fran and Michael Weiss
Pam Weiss
Westchester Community Foundation
Kara and Damien Whelan
Margaret Whelan
Pat White
Shelby White
Aimee Whitman
Spencer Whitman
Emily Wierzbowski
Barbara Williams
Marian and Gray Williams
Ross Williams
Ms. Judith Watts and Mr. James Wilson
Christopher Winters
Robert F. Wise, Jr.
Alan Wolfert
Daniel Wolff
Paula Wolff on behalf of The Commercial Club of Chicago
Susan and Marc Wollin
Twink and Jim Wood
Aaron Wredberg
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
Corinne Wynne
Xhema Custom Builders Inc.
Bruce and Andrea Yablon
Susan Todd and Andrew Young
Matt and Zan Young
Susan Zeiger
John Zline
Renee Ring and Paul Zofnass
Maryann and Aristide Zurbuch
Anonymous (36)

*Corporate Matching Gift

Although we have carefully reviewed this list for accuracy, there may be inadvertent errors or omissions. If you do not see your name, contact Susan Leighton at susan@westchesterlandtrust.org.